Woman, Healer, Sister,
You will not be burned in this lifetime.
It's time to heal.
The witch wound stops with you.

As a modern woman, life feels without purpose and chaotic.
You long for a sense of rhythm and purpose, but creating discipline around selfcare feels impossible.
You have felt called to astrology, plant medicine, dream work, and divination for a while now...but you don’t really know where to start.
It’s likely you find yourself ignoring your intuition…only to seriously regret it later.
Or, perhaps you are not even sure what the voice of your intuition sounds like!
Maybe you are not fully showing up, speaking your truth, taking up space, and claiming your full power because you're afraid of repercussions.
You're afraid of being too much…or even not enough.
And you long so deeply for authentic sisterhood…but feel stuck in the cycles of gossip and distrust.

Healing the generational trauma of your line, for yourself, your sister, your mother, and all your grandmothers.
Finally knowing - and *feeling* - that your body is a safe place to be.
Being the wise woman that your sisters come to for circles, healing, and wise woman nourishment.
Having the comfort of having daily rituals that easily fit into your life and ground you into your truth.
Being totally tapped into your intuition AND having the courage to actually act on it.
Finally having all the pieces fall together as you learn the true herstory of women, and begin to untangle yourself from a lifetime of patriarchal conditioning.
Easefully living in alignment with the seasons, your cycles, and the rhythms of your body.

Figuring out what it means to be a powerful, embodied woman in our modern world doesn’t have to feel confusing, isolating, or scary.
I know that you’re ready for this reclamation, you simply need guidance.
That’s exactly why we created Womancraft, to awaken your witch-wisdom, hone your intuition, and give you the real-world practices that are your birth rite.

"Kate is a pioneer in her field. My time in containers created and held by her have been transformative; opening worlds within me. Wild worlds of possiblity, magic, and realness. Join Kate if you wish to expand into the wholeness of who you truly are, unapologetically. She is a force of nature and a blessing to our awakening planet. "
- Mari Greenwood -
I, like all women, am a deep ocean with many currents flowing under the surface. My dreams are vivid, my convictions strong. I am a holder of space for women birthing in their power, in the safety of their homes. I am a keeper of sacred women's circles, where the tradition of storytelling and wisdom of the lunar cycle are preserved. I have a deep reverence for folk knowledge, self-led healing, and bone-held wisdom. I turn to plant allies, wise teachers, my altar, the goddess, and my breath in times of need. I am grounded into the earth I live on, I flow with some whimsy, and I observe the dominant culture that surrounds me through a critical lens. I feel my way through the world and honour rites of passage for the formative and transformative magic which they hold. I choose to take personal responsibility for myself, for my family, and for my community.

Sensual Body Meditation
Women’s Herstory: Who Are the Witches?
Morning and Evening Pages: A Reflective Practice
The Wheel of the Year
Building Instincts
Earth Bathing Ritual
Herbal Allies to Support the Heart

Healing the Witch Wound
An Exploration of Our Personal Astrology
Exploring our Personal Rites of Passage Herstory
The Moon Cycle + Our Womb Cycle and Adaptive Nutrition
Reclaiming Blood Mysteries and Embodying Womanhood
Moon Rituals

Connecting To Your Ancestors
A Shamanic Journey Through Ancestry
Creating Personally Meaningful Rituals
Creating Sacred Space
Visualization and Manifestation // Pre-Writing Your Own Story
Creating Affirmations and Personal Mantras

A Feminine Form Movement Practice
Womb Clearing Ritual
Practices in Dream Work
Herbal Allies for Dreaming

Healing Rites of Passage
A Guide for Hosting Sisterhood Circles
Naming Ourselves
A Shamanic Journey to Discover Your Magical Name
Herbal Allies to Support Your Spiritual Journey

Invest in your Wild Woman
If you’re done hiding, done holding your tongue, done holding back from embracing your inner-witch--just done, then Womancraft is for YOU.
A One Time Payment of $149
Awaken Your Witch Now
“Kate is the very definition of a wise woman. She openly and generously shares her years of accumulated wisdom while creating an environment where authentic sharing and joy-filled fun live side-by-side. Her skills as a master sacred song leader, womancraft knowledge holder, and lifetime yogini is a pairing like no other.”
- Majida Saida -

“This is lost wisdom that every woman should know. I can’t imagine how the world would be different if we were all taught this information as young girls--we would be unstoppable.”
Alania Mouschua
“This course is powerful. There is no other way to describe what it feels like to tap into your true potential as a woman.”
Erica Brennet
"Kate is a wonderful witch! Her honey-warm energy, combined with her sharp intelligence and rich experience, create a space for women to access their own truth and healing magic."
Felicia Guitton