How would it feel to know in the deepest core of your being, that you have the power to give birth to your baby blissfully at home?
What if you felt so knowledgeable and secure about your birth, that the success of your freebirth or home birth seemed inevitable?
Imagine understanding the science and physiology of birth so well that you felt safe knowing when a complication might warrant further action or medical attention?
Even better, how would you feel if you had the ability to avoid or prevent complications before they even occur?
Our guess is that this kind of confidence leading up to your homebirth or freebirth would be transformational.
Does the slightest negative comment from a friend could fill you with doubt, fear, and insecurity?
Imagine the freedom of possessing the language and the knowledge to articulate WHY your birth choices are the best for you—as well as having the self-assurance to ignore the naysayers, secure in the knowledge that you're making the right decisions for you and your baby?
Suddenly, the friends and family who keep telling you your choices and desires are dangerous wouldn’t have the same influence—their opinions won’t even bother you anymore.
You and your baby deserve this the freedom and peace that freebirth offers. But, while you might have read all the popular home birth books, and you may follow all the natural birth accounts on instagram, without a comprehensive foundation of understanding birth physiology for what it is, and why freebirth specifically can support the physiology of birth (not to mention having a blueprint for how to get there), the path can be a tricky one.
Especially when doctors and even some midwives say that giving birth outside of the hospital system is dangerous, it’s hard not to have major doubts.
Get the Complete Guide to Freebirth

Obviously, you want what’s best for your baby.Â
But you have a feeling that the hospital might not actually be the safest place for you to give birth.
But is giving birth at home a choice you can really feel comfortable with?
You’re hungry not only for information, but for specific strategies on how to manage fear, what to really expect, and how to create an actionable plan.
And like so many women, you might be wondering how to get your partner on-board with your deep desire to have a beautiful, peaceful home birth.
Get the Complete Guide to Freebirth
Making the decision to give birth outside of a medical context, or even just harnessing your authority when navigating the myriad birth choices out there can be intimidating and confusing.
Written by experienced birth coach Yolande Norris-Clark with Emilee Saldaya, the founder of Free Birth Society, The Complete Guide to Freebirth is the most comprehensive course available online on freebirth and home birth preparation.
The course takes you from conception to postpartum, giving you an incredibly detailed grounding in how birth works, and answering the questions and concerns most mothers have when it comes to taking birth into our own hands.
The course also includes powerful tools and techniques for dismantling our perceptual barriers and fears, so that we can truly make smart, clear decisions, rather than reacting out of fear—which applies to every area of life, not only birth! (Hint: parenting!)

"I did it, just my husband and I.
It was amazing and hard and wonderful! Thank you for being the great source of support and inspiration. They say you find what you are looking for and I’m so grateful that I found your course.
Your wisdom and the path you choose to share has been a light for me more than you know."

The Complete Guide to Freebirth is the most comprehensive childbirth education course available on how to give birth at home in your power.
Get the Complete Guide to FreebirthLike Jenny, The Complete Guide to Freebirth will leave you feeling undaunted, courageous and *excited* to give birth. You’ll have a solid plan of action, you’ll have chosen the perfect team for you, and you will go into your birth process feeling clear and trusting your body’s ability to bring your baby safely into the world.

Whether you’re new to freebirth entirely, or taking the leap into freebirth after having midwife-assisted births, or even if you’re planning an assisted birth, but are looking for the information that will allow you to make the most authentic, holistic choices for you, The Complete Guide to Freebirth will help you:
- Clarify your true needs and desires
- Assess your own level of risk
- Develop the tools to eradicate fear
- Hone your Intuition
- Define the kind of prenatal care you need
- Create strong boundaries with peace and authority
- Gather the optimal support team
- Communicate your birth choices effectively and lovingly to your partner and ensure their support!
- Navigate the health care system
- Source all the practical supplies necessary
- Confidently answer the question "What if Something Goes Wrong"
- Manage complications
- And much much more...
This course is geared toward women who are planning or curious about Freebirth. It's also for anyone who loves birth and wants to know as much as possible about how childbirth works, and how best to preserve the inherent safety of birth.

Wait...What is freebirth?
I’m not pregnant (yet!). How long do I have access to this course if I buy now?
I am a birth worker - does it make sense for me to take this?
Can my partner do this course with me?
I’m actually due soon, will I have time to complete the course?
I’m planning a hospital birth. Will the material be relevant to me?
Is this kind of like an alternative childbirth education program?
Can I watch the videos offline?

The Complete Guide to Freebirth is the most comprehensive childbirth education course available on how to give birth at home in your power.
Get the Complete Guide to Freebirth
What is Freebirth?
Why Birth Matters
Free birth, Doctors & Midwives
Birth as a Rite of Passage
The Definition of Freebirth
Is Freebirth for you?
Power, Permission & Personal Responsibility
Birth & Death

Who Owns Birth?
Safety, Statistics & Risk
The Medical Paradigm
Legal Considerations
More Legal Considerations
Men, Freebirth & How to Convince Your Nervous Partner
Your Freebirth Plan
Hospital Transfers
Navigating the Social Arena

Unpacking Prenatal Care
The Pregnancy Test
What is Prenatal Care?
The Nocebo Effect
Pap Smears & Pelvic Exams
Blood Testing & Urinalysis
Fundal Height Measurements
Fat & Weight
Gestational Diabetes
Blood Pressure Assessment
Due Dates
Heart Tones

Wild Pregnancy
Unconscious Conception
Conscious Conception
Processing Prior Births
The First Trimester
Prenatal Nutrition
Herbs & Supplements
Avoiding Toxins
Movement Matters
Mother Nature
The Second Trimester
Exercising Your Intuition
Connecting with Your Baby
Pregnancy Complications
The Third Trimester

Variations of Normal
Too Old, Too Young, Too Big, Too Small
The RH Factor, Anaemia & Blood Distinctions
Smoking & Drug Use
Unique Uteri
Preterm Birth
Long Pregnancies

Approaching Birth
Creating the Ideal Conditions for Freebirth
Choosing your Birth Witnesses
Older Children at a Birth
Affirmations & Visualizations
Birth Affirmations Track
Expectations, Pain & Mental Fortitude
Mother Blessing
Birth Supplies
Water Birth
“Natural” Induction
“Prodromal Labor” & “Braxton Hicks”
Protecting Your Yoni

The Birth Dance
The Hormonal Blueprint of Birth
The Beginning
Meeting Your Newborn (The Golden Halo)
Birthing Your Placenta

The Unexpected
Birth Complications
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Shoulder Dystocia
Newborn Breathing Issues
Developmental Differences

After Birth
Your Baby’s Cord & Placenta
Your Healthy Newborn
Your Postpartum Body
Postpartum Emotions & Care
Postnatal Testing & Newborn Assessment
Documentation & Birth Certificates

Wild Mothering
Minimalist Motherhood
Father/Partner Support
Elimination & Diapering
Connected & Authoritative Mothering for Happy Babies
Village Prenatals
Wrap Up & What’s Next!

Choose a one time payment or a payment plan and get immediate lifetime access to Free Birth Society's incredible course.

"This course and the community alongside it are rocking me to the core. When I found out I was pregnant with my second child I could not fathom another medicalized home birth as I had had with my first.
I was rather lost and unsupported in my desire to birth this baby autonomously. As it was meant to be, I found Free Birth Society’s course and eventually joined their community.
The investment seems like pennies now considering all that I have received. It is indeed a paradigm shift. A guide full of Big Truths and creative Integration. A dismantlement of generational fear. A beautiful affirmation of our divine right to give birth and be re-birthed as we are so immaculately designed to.
Thank you for this invaluable resource and gift."

"This course gave me the confidence as a first time mother to walk the path of a wild pregnancy and soon to be free birth. This truly is a COMPLETE course of everything one needs to feel ready to birth in power. I gained a deep understanding of pregnancy and childbirth through a lens not offered by one’s OBGYN. What a resource to have! So many thank yous to Emilee and Yolande for their work in this world. If every woman had access to this course, free birth might just become the norm."
Jess K.
"I'm currently 22 weeks and am loving the course. Even the introductions made me cry - to finally feel like I've found the right community of women to guide me and support me in such an amazing experience. My last 3 babies were medicalized births in a hospital and it was so hard for me afterwards. I knew after my third that something was completely wrong with putting my faith in the system rather than listening to my own intuition. My last birth was almost 6 years ago and it took me all of these years to grow and listen to myself."
Tiffany P.
"Emilee and Yolande, and the Free Birth Society has had such a positive impact on me personally but also professionally as a doula. They have given words to so many feeling that I was unable to express or fearful to express. Women have too often had our autonomy and the control over our own bodies taken away from us. Through FBS, I have recognized that the only true way to take back our humanity, to be a true autonomous person is to reclaim the responsibility for ourselves, our bodies, our births, and our children. I am not empowered by them, because they do not hold my power to give back to me. I have, with their unbelievable writing, reclaimed my power for myself and am now the only one that is able to make decisions for my life. I will always be grateful and look forward to see what the future holds for FBS. Thank you, Emilee and Yolande."
Shannon C.
"Wow! This course compiles invaluable knowledge and wisdom that every woman needs. I took this course to learn and prepare myself for what to expect when I decide to conceive in a few years from now. It is entirely thorough and will not only guide women who want to have a primal birth, but also inform women who want to be as knowledgeable as possible in an assisted birth. I especially enjoyed the interactive journaling prompts that include the partner and look forward to taking the course again when I am pregnant to help visualize and actualize my baby’s birth. I would highly recommend this Guide for ALL women who plan to have children in the near future! Thanks FBS!"
Mary Taylor M.

Choose a one time payment or a payment plan and get immediate lifetime access to Free Birth Society's incredible course.