The Birth Revolution is here.
Join us in bringing authentic midwifery home.
With over 450 graduates from over 30 countries, the Radical Birth Keeper School is leading the transformation of birth and midwifery across the planet.

You know deep down that you're meant to be serving birthing women in your community.
You can feel it in your bones. You know it in your cells. You’re drawn to this work by the voices of your great-grandmothers.
You long to witness and support the awesome power of women as we make life, form kinship, and transform the world through undisturbed matriarchal birth.

You see what’s going on within “the system”.
You have shown up as a doula or a nurse and you’ve learned the hard way that “reform” just doesn’t work.
You may even be a medical doctor or a licensed midwife, like many of our past graduates.
You know from experience, there is no “changing the system from the inside.”
You’re no longer willing to be complicit with the abuse of mothers and babies.
You know there’s a problem, you’re ready to be part of the solution.
This is the training that walks you into the new wave of birth work.
This is the new paradigm.
Yes it’s real. Yes you’ll get clients (once you know who you are and what you’re actually doing)
And yes there are women in your community who want what you are becoming.

Come and practice midwifery the way we do:
in full resonance with the instinctive power
of motherbaby.

We all need guides. We all need teachers.
Come and learn from Emilee Saldaya and Yolande Norris-Clark in the 2023 intake of the one-and-only Radical Birth Keeper School.
Emilee and Yolande are the world’s foremost leaders of the independent authentic midwifery movement.
Both women are widely known for being established business mavens, beloved birth witnesses, fearless critics, and fiery commentators on the state of the birth world today.
No strangers to controversy, they are loved (and hated) for their courage as public figures, and their willingness to powerfully articulate the truth about the industrial obstetric complex.
Emilee and Yolande live the work of authentic birth keeping and instinctive mothering, and are examples of what it is to be in a continuous process of excavating the evolution of self and society with raw honesty.
The Radical Birth Keeper School is the opportunity for women who are yearning to learn from two of the most successful and experienced birth consultants working outside of the system today. Their program offers students a change to absorb their daring leadership, and to learn the tools that help them to analyze and unravel the threads that keep most mothers and midwives unconsciously tethered to false authority.
Emilee and Yolande have made it easy to become who you really are. They are here to hold you, witness you, and to midwife you through your own transformation as you birth your true self into being.

The Radical Birth Keeper School is the game changing educational experience and community through which women are up-leveling their lives in every way.
The RBK School is NOT just another online course...
It's an immersive, live, intensive mastermind in authentic midwifery, that will give you the blueprint and guidance to shed your unconscious commitments to self sabotage, your allegiances to the allopathic model, and to support you as you step into being the powerful woman you are destined to be.
We knew there had to be a different way to do birth work...
And there is a way to serve women, unequivocally. We can't wait to share our proven roadmap for serving and upholding spontaneous, undisturbed birth, while supporting you to thrive in your business and personal life.

"Since beginning the school I've attracted my ideal clients, increased my business revenue, released limiting beliefs around money and connected with incredible women all over the world, brought together by the desire to serve women in integrity. I could not have asked for a better container as I shifted from industrial birth work to Radical Birth Keeping. The Radical Birth Keeper School is truly a goddess-send."

We are here to reclaim birth work as it’s meant to be: nourishing and soul-sustaining for ourselves, our communities, and our families.
Our curriculum combines
- The science and wisdom of instinctive birth physiology
- Heart centered business strategies for exponential growth and success (without struggle)
- Life changing self mastery tools
- Revolutionary strategies for showing up authentically as Birth Keepers
- An incredible community and mentorship experience
It is our greatest prayer that this Radical Birth Keeper model proliferates all over the world, as women reclaim the authentic values of true midwifery.

Our next 12-week intensive online training starts Fall 2024.
The program is focused on real-time engagement with Emilee and Yolande through 3x weekly live classes, including weekly workshops, integration sessions, pre-recorded video lessons, tons of written material, and assignments.
You'll have continuous access to a private online forum allowing for connection, processing, and community.
You can expect to be supported throughout your experience, with our full commitment to the individual and collective success of our students.
You'll have the opportunity to brainstorm with other radical women and receive individualized coaching and direct input from Emilee & Yolande.

"Upon graduating, I felt confident enough to begin my own authentic midwifery practice. But the best part really is the life-affirming support and sisterhood. That is pure, rare, magic."

The program offers three live classes a week.
Classes run weekly every Monday Tuesday, and Wednesday, at 12pm EST - 2pm EST.
All calls are recorded and uploaded same day.

Weekly Workshops
with Emilee & Yolande
The 'Mastermind Monday' Live Class will alternate between workshops on business brainstorming, critical topics in birth work, student sharing, and integration of the school's material.
9:00 AM PT | 12:00 PM ET

The Art of Radical
Birth Keeping
with Yolande Norris-Clark
The Art of Radical BirthKeeping offers a grounding in the practical, actionable, and energetic practices of supporting mothers, babies, and families in spontaneous physiological birth, with integrity.
9:00 AM PT | 12:00 PM ET

Self Mastery
with Emilee Saldaya
The Self-Mastery module is an immersive program of self-discovery, personal power, and true success: the cornerstone of radical authentic midwifery, and the blueprint for creating a life of ease and abundance.
9:00 AM PT | 12:00 PM ET

The ancient wisdom model of women’s healing traditions

The evidence-based physiology and chemistry of birth

The business and marketing skills required to excel in the digital age
Whether you’re a doula disillusioned with the system, a midwife ready to expand your perspective, or a a woman new to birth-work seeking a path to practicing with integrity...
This program is for you.

"Every week that passes my jaw drops because of this program's utter comprehensiveness and richness. Not only do I have all of the tools I need to actually launch my business, but all of the wisdom I need to share with women that will help them to realize their power. Even more than that I've felt true sisterhood that gives me the confidence to do this. The Radical Birth Keeper School is a necessity for the future and healing of our world."

The RBK School is completely distinct from other midwifery schools and goes way beyond any doula training.
Our program will be immensely worthwhile for any birth worker, from seasoned midwives wanting to exit the obstetric system, to doulas who are burnt out on hospital birth.
If you're new to this work, this is the training that will put you on track to distinguishing yourself from other birth workers and allow you to fully own your worth from the beginning.
Our program will give you the resources to do birth keeping in a way that reflects your ethics, and resonates with your clients, your community, and your life.

The RBK School is rooted is dismantling birth myths and rebuilding the foundations of birth work from a completely new consciousness.
We’ve taken our 30+ collective years of experience in the business and practice of birth, and put it all together to give you a roadmap for success.
Our curriculum is action-oriented, deeply relevant, and rooted in skills and knowledge that can be applied to an array of professional and community contexts with ease.
We’ll walk you through the process of transforming your passion for birth into your life’s work—that you can actually make a living from, in integrity.

Our life changing training is grounded in vitalizing live, interactive teaching and coaching experiences with Emilee and Yolande every week.
The program includes access to recorded lessons, extensive readings and resources, along with weekly integration exercises and assignments.
Together, we'll be analyzing real world birth work scenarios and case studies, and workshopping everything from your own birth, to money wounds, to copywriting and marketing strategies.
We'll also be inviting you into a relationship with intensive transformational self mastery tools, designed to have you emerge with the inner resources to handle the real pressures of working in birth with grace and impeccability.

Your enrollment includes access to our private RBK School community; a space for sharing, asking questions, and networking with Emilee and Yolande and your fellow students.
While the RBK School live online program runs for 12-weeks, enrollment includes a full year of access to both the curriculum itself and the private student only network, as well as extended support in the form of annual reunion calls.
Our school is not a training mill. We want to see you, know you, and support you in your vision for women and birth.
We are continually inspired to see how our RBK School sisters stand together in this work.

Self-Mastery for Lighthouse Birth Leaders
This module constitutes a robust training in the tools of Conscious Leadership, a coaching technology developed by the Institute of Conscious Leadership that will equip you with the inner resources to show up with integrity in every area of your life, (not just birth work!)
These tools constitute the foundation from which Emilee delivers her acclaimed transformative coaching, and they’re at the heart of how we’ve built a flourishing business through Free Birth Society courses.
In fact, Conscious Leadership is the bedrock for the kind of birth-work that will allow you to perform at the highest level in every area of your life.
In Module One, You'll Learn:
- How to set and maintain boundaries in birth work
- How to come into relationship with your "hero" persona and serve women without "saving" them
- How to face your insecurities and establish an authentic public persona
- How to deal with criticism (and even haters) and use that energy to your advantage
- How to engage in activist work with integrity
- How to be present as a mother, while fully engaging in birth work (and everything else!)
- How to settle your nervous system quickly, when faced with conflict or stress
- How to effectively shift your relationship to money so that abundance flows easily
- How to untangle yourself from the drama and gossip of the birth world
- How to identify ways you limit your own success & wellbeing, and shift that dynamic
- How to fully feel and express your emotions so that you can keep showing up clean and clear
...And so much more!

The Art of Radical Birth Keeping; The Physiology, Philosophy, Principles, and Practice of Integral Birth Work
Beginning with an overview of the history of midwifery, radicality, and what it actually means to do radical birth keeping, this module will break down the politics, legalities, practicalities, energetics, and logistics of birth work.
While it's one thing to understand physiological birth, it's quite another to create and maintain sustainable relationships as birth attendants, witnesses, consultants, and educators. Through in depth case studies and collaborative critical analysis of birth stories, videos, and our collective experience as birth keepers, we'll cover how to actually embody birth keeping through the lens of the tools of Conscious Leadership.
Using those tools, you'll discover how to show up for women and families in your highest integrity, and to navigate your interactions with grace.
As a Radical Birth Keeper, your foundation must include a profound understanding of the mammalian chemistry of birth and its delicate hormonal matrix. If you don't truly comprehend what normal, spontaneous birth looks like (and sadly, so many birth professionals don't) you won't be able to support its optimal unfolding, or have the capacity to correctly observe a variation that could require medical intervention. Module 2 offers a breakdown of holistic physiological birth like you’ve probably never encountered it before—from the perspective of birth as a normal biological event, rather than an inherently medical emergency.
This approach will give you a comprehensive education in how birth actually works (when it’s not being sabotaged), so that you’ll have the ability to fully show up for birthing women with empathy, instead of fear.
In Module Two, You'll Learn:
- How to create an incredible authentic birth community where you are
- How to honor birth as a rite of passage
- The complexities of the appropriation of birth by the industrial obstetric industry
- How to structure a transformative prenatal meeting
- How to navigate the politics and challenges of birth freedom advocacy
- Why you’ll never attend a freebirth
- Why you already have what you need to support women now
- What it really means to “hold space” and how to do it
- The subtleties of power in the birth room
- How to serve women with unsupportive partners
- How to handle hospital transfers with grace and power
- How to coach your client through her fear of birth
- How to show up as an expert in birth while centering women's authority
...And so much more!

Creating & Running a Thriving Birth Business
Without committing to creating a successful and profitable business as a birth keeper, you’ll burn out. Module 3 is all about guiding you through the process of building a business that will allow you not only to pay your bills and support your family, but to do so with ease, confidence, and integrity. Each week will include specific action steps from this module that will move you towards the launch, or re-launch, of your birth business.
In Module Three, You'll Learn:
- How to be unapologetically yourself as a birth keeper, starting right where you are
- Exactly how to set up your website (or tweak the one you have) for maximum impact and relevance
- The fundamentals of growing your email list including the best opt-ins
- Strategies for curating your social media presence (without spending your life online)
- How to develop a communication strategy that makes you money, and frees your time
- How to create a following without "selling out"
- Marketing and networking, in your local community and online
- How to charge what you want to be paid
- How to identify red flags and avoid potential clients who aren't in alignment
- Best practices for protecting yourself legally and energetically
- Ways to engage with agreements and contracts
...And so much more!
Meet Your Teachers

Yolande Norris-Clark
Yolande Norris-Clark has been working on the radical edge of the birth-world for the past 20 years. Many have referred to her as a renegade, a rule-breaker, and an iconoclast (affectionately, and sometimes not so much), but in truth, she’s guided in this work by her deep love for mothers and babies, and a profound respect for the gorgeous, mysterious, exquisite, and *sensible* physiology of birth.
Her mission in life is to dispel the myth that childbirth is an ordeal from which women must be “delivered”, and to celebrate the reality that birth is biologically designed to be ecstatic, delightful, joyous, and beautiful: a catalyst for self-love, healing, and insight, as well as the formative first step on the path to peaceful parenting.
It’s Yolande’s conviction that women who are awake and birthing their babies in power will change their own lives, and the world.
A compassionate and sought-after coach, Yolande has supported many hundreds of women and families all over the world in establishing the tools, mindset, and perspective that result in peaceful birth and connected mothering.

Emilee Saldaya
Emilee Saldaya is the trail blazing leader and founder of Free Birth Society. She was a doula for over ten years, until the reality of her complicity with the obstetric system and the harms that it does to women and babies prompted her to find a better way. In aligning with freebirth, Emilee's dharmic path became clear. She evolved into a "Radical Birth Keeper" who serves women birthing outside the system.
Emilee founded Free Birth Society in early 2017 prior to the conscious conception of her first child, and went on to give birth to her daughter freely, on Maui, Hawaii.
Her acclaimed podcast (“The Free Birth Society Podcast”) quickly became a fan favorite and has reached millions of people.
Emilee is an inspiring and inspired coach, with the ability to immediately hone in on the self-sabotage and mental blocks that keep women stuck in unproductive patterns. Her approach is warm, kind, ferocious, and transformational, giving her clients the spacious witnessing that allows them to step into their power.

"The Radical Birth Keeper School has been rocking my world. The topics, stories and collective wisdom shared has been so enriching and captivating. The magnificent community of women that I have been journeying with has been an unexpected gift. Birth work was previously lonely at times as I felt my views were too extreme, or radical, and not shared by many.
To be sitting with women who truly feel the same about birth is so warming. I'll be sad when the course is over! I have learned so much to round out my practice as a Birth Keeper and am now a more grounded, conscious human in everyday life and relationships.
A highlight is the Self Mastery Tools which are so relevant to the consciousness that is required in integral birth work."
Clancy Allen

"This course has exceeded my wildest expectations. The investment Emilee and Yolande make in each student is marvelous. Their collective experience and guidance is a treasure trove that I don’t know how I would find otherwise. The syllabus and the way the course unfolds is, quite simply, genius. I am very appreciative of the rich, fascinating and useful content, resources and the methods of delivery.
The other sister students in the course are some of the most intelligent, willing and inspiring women I have ever met and the collective spirit is so up lifting. Meeting them through breakout sessions and having an accountability partner has connected me deeply to how I want to show up in my business and life.
This course has ended up as one of the best professional and personal choices I’ve made for my life."
Megan Kane

"As an established midwife, I wasn’t sure how much would be applicable to my profession. My favorite section came as a surprise. I LOVED the “Self Mastery” module, and the business discussions with my break out group was amazing.
The practical skills and exercises on how to better communicate with not only the families I serve but in every relationship in my life was invaluable.
Learning how to bring up taboo topics and have honest conversations with parents has helped me build connections with families deeper than I’ve ever experienced. I feel so much more aligned with my values and needs as a Birth Keeper."
Sophia Williams

How is the Radical Birth Keeper School different from a midwifery school?
How is the Radical Birth Keeper School different from a doula training?
Do you offer a scholarship?
What are students legally able to do with the course when its completed and what we can offer as a business?
Do you have a refund policy?
Will the RBK School be relevant to me even if I don't live in the U.S.?
Do you offer a payment plan?
Will I receive a certification after completing this course?
How many hours per week should I allocate for the coursework?
What if I've already taken a doula or midwife training course?
How much is the tuition for the Radical Birth Keeper School?
What if I already have a birth business? Is this program still for me?
What payment methods do you accept?
Will I get direct feedback from Emilee and Yolande?
Do I have to attend the live calls?
What if the women in my area aren't interested in natural birth?
How long do I get access to this program?
Payments plans are available:
Two Payments of
Use this 50/50 option and pay half now and half a month later.
Join the Waitlist
"The Radical Birth Keeper School is more than just a school - it’s a community of women who are committed to being in their highest consciousness and serving in their fullest integrity. I have yet to come across another organization with as clear a vision and values as Free Birth Society! Emilee and Yolande share hundreds of resources, along with live classes, discussion, and small group coaching. You are held accountable as a student and a birth keeper, and you are able to be intimately known and mentored as you journey throughout the months."